Maybelline Clear Smooth BB Silk Poreles White 04 Honey

Hello beauties, it's time for a review! For your informations, I've been using Maybelline Clear Smooth All in One Shine Free Cake Powder: 03 Natural, for more than 2 years and now I decided to change my old face powder (since I'm running out of it) into the new one. But still using the same brand! You know what, Maybelline's face powder is the only that really match my skin, not only because of my skin conditions but also my skin tone!

So I decided to change my powder into Clear Smooth BB Silk Poreles White. It's available in 4 shades: 01 Light, 03 Natural, 04 Honey, 05 Sand Beige. The shade that I picked is 04 Honey! I absolutely in love with the reflective purple compact packaging. I'm pretty sure that every women will be attracted to the packaging!

You will find the mirror and the powder, once you opening the compact. And there's a sponge when you flip out the powder.

And you'll find holes at the bottom. I'm not really sure about the function of this holes. But maybe it allows the air to circulate.

Let's give a try!

I only tap the 2 of my fingers on the powder and it easily stick on my fingers! What a good start. I admit it, the texture of the powder is really smooth like silk.

Product test on my face!

It claims that it will give you a poreless-looking, oil-free for hours and brighter skin. This product contains BB Silk Essence that makes the skin smoother. And as you can see, it really help to reduce the black spot in my face.

I don't have problems with large pores in my face, so it's just ok and works really well on my face. Even I don't need to retouch my make up after 12 hours of working at office.


Available in 4 shades
❤ Affordable and easy to find in all Maybelline's stores for only idr 85k (get special price during promo!)
 Super cute packaging
Feels really soft on my skin
Great sponge quality
Oil free and has SPF 21 PA++
No need for touch up your make up
You can use it as a concealer

❤ Sometimes I feel like it doesn't deliver a natural finish. So I need to pat my face to look more natural.

RATING: 4/5 ❤❤❤❤


  1. Pengen nyoba dari lama tapi ragu krn harganya beda jauh dari bedak clear smooth yg biasa. Ini kalo ga pake bb cream tetep halus gak hasilnya Rie?

    1. Iya aku juga nunggu yg lama abis dulu baru deh ganti yang baru. Harganya emang jauh beda tapi hasilnya juga jauh beda dari yang biasa kayaknya. Aku ga nyesel beli ini hahahha >.<

      Aku ga pernah pake bb cream kok sebelum pake bedak ini. Dan hasilnya tetep mulus di mukaku. Duh enak deh kalo ngelus2 pipi hahahhaha

  2. This sounds lovely! I love the packaging.

    Keisha xo

  3. Halo Rie! dlu aku pernah pakai ini tapi aku beneran lupa summary kesan aku tentang produk ini apa XD kayaknya belum sempat habis eh akunya nikah dan dapat seserahan produk nyx trus jadi ganti deh :D cuma dlu blm kepikiran beauty blog sih., kl udh pasti aku keep XD

    anyway it looks really good on you! kalo di pat pat lagi gitu malah jd rapih lagi kah, ga numpuk?

    main2 ke blog ku yaa :D and maybe follow for follow? let me know! Arigatou! ^___^

    Sherry from ♕ SheemaSherry ♕ blog (

    1. Duh ga nyalahin kamu kalo beralih ke NYX hahahah lebih kece lagi itu maaaah hahaha.

      Iya bener, kalo di pat berulang kali jadi lebih tipis warnanya dan ga terlalu ketebelan in my opinion hehe. Followed! :D

  4. selalu suka bedaknya Maybelline
    soalnya hasilnya bagus
    bikin kulit keliatan mulus :P

    1. Iyaaa setuju! Bikin kulit mulus dan menutup dosa-dosa di wajah hahaha. Thanks for stopping by Cinta :*

  5. ahh ini bagus ya? jd pengen beli tp bb cream msh banyak bgtt haha aku kurang suka si pake bedak >.< lbh suka bb cream. ini teksturny kyk 2waycake gtu ya kak rie?

    1. Wah aku kebalikan kamu. Kalo aku malah kurang suka pake bb cream, kayak berasa kurang enteng di wajah hehe. Kebetulan aku belum pernah coba 2waycake jadi kurang bisa bandingin. So sorry ya Dewi :'(

  6. Hihihihi aku mau belajar review bedak ni makanya baca2! aku beneran belum begitu bisa bedain XD followed back ^____^

    1. Siaaap, kalo mau tanya2 langsung ke email aja nanti kita bisa ngobrol asik hahahaha

  7. Rie, kamu skintonenya kira2 NC/NW brp?

    1. Not really sure sama NC/NW, yg pasti aku sih kayaknya lebih ke medium beige hehehe

  8. Wah cakep banget, Rie! Pas banget di muka kamu, coveragenya juga okeee.. Aku juga kesemsem banget sama packagingnyaaa XD

    1. Iya Van, jadi pengen elus pipi melulu. Bikin halus banget hehehe. Ayo beli beli beli, ditunggu loh review versi kamu :p

  9. aku juga punya maybeline yang ini! tapi sepertinya aku merasa agak keputihan sama warnanya :')
    ngomong2 aku udah follow km. bole minta follbacknya? ^^

    1. Wah sayang banget! Emangnya pas beli ga icip dulu? Kan ada 4 warna, tinggal dicocokin sama jenis dan warna kulit kamu aja hehehe

      Followed! :D

  10. The packaging for this looks beautiful!
    Haven't seen this in Canada yet though :(

    1. Seriously? I thought that all Maybelline products will be available in every country. WHy don't you but it online?

      Thanks for stopping by dear :)
