Hi guys, yeay today is Saturday and I'm so happy to rest at home in a whole day on weekend. Pfffttt I've been a bit busy lately and got a lot of jobs to do in office, and holidays mean so much to me. And two days ago, a package received. Woooow my new lipcream has arrived and I can't wait to try and write a review about it.
I always satisfied with all of NYX products and I'm a big fan of this brand. Nyx has produced new shades for 2014 and I terribly in love with SMLC 19 - cannes shade at the first sight.
RATING: 4/5 ❤❤❤❤❤
This lipcream is really matte and very long lasting! As always, I really love its packaging. Not too big as well and fit well on my cosmetic bag that its full of make up and this product still fit into it. LOL!
See? The packaging was made of plastic with a matte black cap that really soft and smooth to touch. Now, lets see the shade closely:
I'm comparing the cannes shade with san paulo shade, you can read my review about san paulo by click here. As same as San Paulo, Cannes is well pigmented. I'm so sensitive with lip products, but it doesn't make my lips dry. Let's see how does it work on my lips:
Before and after wearing cannes shade. So in love with this shade!
It's time to selfieeee, get ready to puke! LOL
Hi, this is my bare face with no lipstick at all~
Goes crazy with cannes as lip colour. Such a lovely colour for everyday use!
For me it last for 4-5hours in my lips. I bought this product for only idr 89k, while the price on counter was around idr 100k/each. You can check the other shades in here: makeup-indo.com
❤ Very pigmented
❤ Good color pay off
❤ Good formulation
❤ Last for 4-5 hours
❤ An easy everyday shade
❤ Affordable price, only idr 89k
❤ Hard to cover the dark sides of lips
RATING: 4/5 ❤❤❤❤❤
With love,

warnanya cakep bangeet, racun SMLC bertebaran dimana-mana lol >,<
ReplyDeleteoya, how about the staying power, Ririe?
Oh iya sampe kelupaan jelasin brp lama tahannya. Makasih ya udah ingetin hehe
DeleteDi aku sih tahan bisa 4-5jam, kalo ga dipake makan sih hanya memudar warnanya tapi ga sampe bener2 hilang. Kece! Ayoook icip juga, ditunggu reviewnya hehehe ^^
Warnanya bgus bgt
ReplyDeleteSetuju! Aku suka banget soalnya, bikin makin pede kalo pake lipcream ini hahaa
DeleteAsekk akhirnya dateng juga lip cream yg ditunggu2..
ReplyDeleteNice review ^^
Hihihihi iya nih Hani, akhirnyaaaa bisa icip juga. Thanks for stopping by ya dear ^^
DeleteI know you'll definitely will delete this comment. But uhmm if you wanna review lipstick, please focus on the lips. Not all the selfie pics. I don't get the real colours
ReplyDeleteNo I won't delete it. Thanks for your comment and suggestion, I'll update my pics as soon as possible. Because I take all of the pics at night, so it was really hard for me to take picture and get focus on lips only :D
Deletelagi pengen beli ini,, haha eh liat reviewnya..
ReplyDeleteehm, dibibir kering ga? lengket2 gitu?
Nggaaaak, enak banget. Tapi aku saranin buat jaga2 sebelum pake lipcream ini, kamu pake lipbalm aja daripada nanti kering trus iritasi karena ternyata ga cocok di bibir kita hihihihi
Deletewah warnanya cakep :D kayaknya baru ada di onlineshop yaa warna warna baru softmatte lipcream ini :'D
ReplyDeleteHah masa sih? Aku juga baru tau, kemaren pas tanya2 di store aku ga nanyain detail sih. Tapi emang lbh enak belanja di olshop kayaknya, jatohnya lebih murah hiihihihi
Deleteapa aku benar2 haruuus beliii iniiiiii T.T *nangis di pojokan
ReplyDeleteHarus banget shintaaaaa hehehehehe *makin meracuni*
Deleteracunnnn hahahhaha
ReplyDeleteAku baca ulang postku juga rasanya pengen beli shades yg lainnya aaaaaa pengen ini pengen itu pengen semua hehehhehe
Deleteomg cakeup. pengen!!!
ReplyDeletemletek-mletek di bibir nggak ri?
Di aku sih cocok-cocok aja, ga bikin kering. Thanks for stopping by dear :)
DeleteI love a matte gloss! This shade is really pretty.
Hai Kesha, thanks for stopping by dear :)
DeleteYes it is, I really love this shade <3
warnanya cantikkkk :3
ReplyDeletebtw, salam kenal yaaa Ririe :)
Salam kenal juga Resita, thanks for stopping by dear ^^
DeleteHi ririe, cantik warnanya..sedang mencari warna yang sesuai..btw i'm from malaysia..salam kenal ^_^
Salam kenal juga, thanks for stopping by dear ^^
DeleteI'm also a BIG fan of nyx smlc :D
ReplyDeleteStaying power nya keren banget! Pernah pake yg shade milan utk kondangan, makan & minum disana, cuma pudar dikit aja dan ngga perlu re-apply bisa lgsg ke mall. Klo utk daily aku biasanya pake stockholm, pernah coba athens but it's too pale and too light for my dark lips, hehe. Jadi pengen coba cannes juga nih. Hihi.. Thank you for the review!
Btw, I bought my smlc on makeupindo too ^^
Setuju! SMLC emang kece. Wah aku malah belum pernah icip stockholm, boleh tuh diicip hihihi. Thanks juga udah mampir hehe
Deletecakep<3 Suka banget sama produk NYX yang iniii haha
Iya aku jugaaaa ngefans berat sama si SMLC hihihi
DeleteAntara Antwerp dan Addis ababa, sekarang tambah Cannes #kekepdompet +_+
ReplyDeleteNYX SMLC San Paulo juga wajib iciiiiiip *buka dompetnya lagi* hahaha
DeleteWarnanya cocoook buat hari2 .. ^^ Nice Riee ..
ReplyDeleteFollow back ------ http://misskarlina.blogspot.com/
iya ini emang cocok banget buat daily makeup hihihi