Hada Labo Gokujyun Ultimate Moisturizing Lotion Review

Hi ladies! Tonight I wanna share my experience of using Hada Labo Gokujyun Ultimate Moisturizing Lotion. So, I 've been using this products for about two weeks now and I have no complaints at all. The best low-cost skincare. It's only idr24 and easy to find in supermarkets, such as: carrefour, hypermart, foodhall. Even century and guardian providing Hada Labo .

As my friend said, 100ml is enough to use for about 2-3months. Wow, amazing! Can you imagine? A good way to save money right? In another language of being thrifty. LOL

Okay I've made a new quote from "every women dreams to eat without getting fat" to become "every women dreams to shop without getting bankruptcy" hahahaha

It written in the packaging that this product was the best seller for HL lotion series. It sold 1 every 2 seconds in Japan. Maintain elasticity and smooth-healthy skin with Nano-sized hyaluronic acid for supple and soft skin.

Ultimate Moisturizing Lotion with 3 types of Hyaluronic Acid:
  1. Improved hyaluronic acid (AcHA); hydrate the skin 2 times more effectively than the usual.
  2. Hyaluronic acid; 1gr of hyaluronic acid is able hold up to 6 liters of water.
  3. Nano-sizeed hyaluronic acid; quickly absorded and non-sticky. Long-lasting hydration.

I have a normal skin, but sometimes it become a lil' bit dry in the afternoon. I guess it because I live in a country with a tropical climate (Indonesia). It's pretty hot in the afternoon. And actually this products is for dry and normal skin. It fits me well ^^

The bottle cap easy to open!

How to use?
Dry your face with towel after washing your face with facial wash. Open the bottle cap, turn of the bottle and then the lotion will comes out easily and controlled into your hand. Take  for about 4-6 drops. It's enough to use into whole of your face.

Clap ... Clap ... Shake the drops of HL lotion onto both hands and pat it gently into your face, all over your face!

I actually used this 2 times a day, in the morning (before I go to work) and night. I change my face cream into HL moist and it works. My face more supple and soft right now!

♥ Affordable price.
♥ Easily found.
♥ Looks exactly like water combine with lotion.
♥ No fragrance.
♥ Colorant free.
♥ Maintain elasticity and smooth-healthy skin.
♥ For dry and normal skin.
♥ With 3 type of Hyaluronic Acid.

 Haven't found it yet!

Recommended? Yes or no?
 YES!!!! And I'll repurchase it



  1. hai Rie, mau nanya nih. waktu pake hada labo sempet ngalamin purging nggak? terus kalo iya, pemakaian hada labonya tetep dilanjutin atau di-break dulu sampe purging selesai? :)

    1. Hai Wulan, maaf baru sempet reply. Aku pakai ini buat lepas dari krim dokter aku sebelumnya sih. Sempet ada purging sedikit, tapi unclear and not really sure entah karena lepas krim dokter atau dr hadalabo ini. Yg pasti saat itu, aku coba ga pake hada labo 2-3hari dulu. Abis itu aku pakai lagi deh :D

    2. ooh gitu.. hmm aku juga abis liat review kamu yg hada labo shirojyun, itu efeknya berasa gak sih? maksudku bekas jerawatnya hilang gak? aku liat muka kamu udah putih dan pake shirojyun itu gapapa ya? waaaa maaf ya nanya terus hihi :p

    3. Iya gapapa kok, dg senang hati aku bantu kasih jawaban yg detail hehehe. Bekas jerawat lama-lama memudar sih, cuma ga instan. Bekas jerawat di jidatku memudar setelah aku pakai shirojyun 2bulanan.

      Kalo masalah muka yg putih, itu efek lighting kayaknya. Kulitku agak gelap malahan hihihi. Kalau masih ada yg kurang jelas, tanya lagi gapapa kok. Jangan sungkan2 hehe :)

    4. haha aku nya yg gak enak nanya2 terus. sebenernya aku lagi pake yg gokujyun dan mau coba shirojyun krn banyak bekas jerawat tapi kulitku berminyak dan sempet baca2 review lain katanya shiro itu gak cocok utk kulit berminyak. kulit kamu sendiri kondisinya gmn?

      btw, salam kenal ya :D maaf baru tau kalo kamu lebih tua dari aku yaampun manggilnya nama doang pula hahaha maaf yaa -_-

    5. Gapapa kok hihihi, dengan senang hati aku jawab dan bantu sebisa aku hehe :)

      Iya bener, kayaknya emang kurang cocok untuk kulit berminyak. Kalo aku emang super duper kering banget mukaku, setelah pake shirojyun series, sekarang agak mendingan. Lebih lembab cuma masih agak sedikit kering di daerah pipi.

      Aaaaa tidak! Aku masih 17tahun kok panggil aku dek aja juga gapapa hahahaha *kemudian ditabok sendal jepit*

    6. oh pantes cocok ya, hmm kayaknya emang mending dilanjutin aja nih pake gokunya, biar tau hasilnya gimana. makasi banyak yaa udah mau jawab, maaf jadinya nyampah bgt di kolom komen blog kamu hihi

      hahahaha jadinya mau dipanggil kak atau gak usah nih? :p *teteup*

    7. iya kamu lanjutin yg ada dulu aja, kalo diganti lagi nanti perlu beradaptasi ulang dong hehehe

      Gapapa kok, aku malah seneng kalo komennya banyak haha.

      Bebas! Kamu mau manggil aku riri atau DEK juga gapapa huahahaha *tetep pengen muda*

  2. aku jg lagi pelan2 ngelepas dokter pake HL goku.. ini baru 2 minggu sih. ada purging sedikit. tapi kayaknya krn salah cara apply nya.. harusnya di ratain di telapak tangan dulu baru di tepuk2 yaa ke muka.

    1. Hai Nisky, loh kalo nggak diratain di telapak tangan nanti ga rata dong pas diaplikasiin ke mukanya hehe. Itu udah aku jelasin cara pakainya kan? Di clap di tangan trus di pat all over your face :D
