Etude House Drawing Eyebrow #6 Review

Hi guys, I wanna share my latest eyebrow pencil from Etude House. Fyi, I purchased this new eyebrow pencil since I run out my old tony moly eyebrow a few days ago. And I'm going to try for a new brand : Etude House!

Sebelum dilanjutin sharingnya, gue mau kasih tau dulu nih. Drawing eyebrow Etude ada 6pilihan warna, yaitu:
  1. Black brown
  2. Grey brown
  3. Brown
  4. Dark grey
  5. Grey 
  6. Black

Kebetulan yang baru aja gue beli itu yang nomor 6 Black. Untuk harganya lumayan terjangkau dan bisa refill. I bought this from Tokopedia.

And here's my review!

Untuk brushnya nggak terlalu tajam dan nggak terlalu keras juga. Jadi aman untuk kulit, karena gue pernah pake eyebrow brush yang lumayan kasar dan bikin lecet kulit alisnya.

This triangular shape is perfect to shape and filling your brows. Wahai wanita! Bikin alis aja pake template atau guide macem shinchan? GA JAMAN! Pake pensil alis yang bentuknya segitiga ini bikin kita ga perlu repot lagi ngebentuk alis dan malah bikin kamu keliatan LEBAY! So last year ... 


  1. Gampang banget, tinggal ikutin aja garis alis mata kamu. 
  2. Dimulai dari bagian tengah ke belakang. Ambil garis lurus alis kamu lalu buat agak sedikit naik biar muka terlihat lebih muda hehehe.
  3. Setelah itu use brush buat ngeratain alis dari bagian yg paling dalam ke belakang.
  4. Buat sampai terlihat senatural mungkin!

  • Easy to use.
  • Affordable price. Only idr 38k in Tokopedia.
  • Worth enough to buy.
  • Refillable
  • With brush 
  • No need to sharpen
  • Triangular pencil
  • Waterproof
  • Haven't found it yet!
Recommended? Yes or no?

How about you? Have you ever tried this drawing eyebrow pencil? ^^

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Etude House Drawing Eyebrow #6 Review

Hi guys, I wanna share my latest eyebrow pencil from Etude House. Fyi, I purchased this new eyebrow pencil since I run out my old tony moly eyebrow a few days ago. And I'm going to try for a new brand : Etude House!

Sebelum dilanjutin sharingnya, gue mau kasih tau dulu nih. Drawing eyebrow Etude ada 6pilihan warna, yaitu:
  1. Black brown
  2. Grey brown
  3. Brown
  4. Dark grey
  5. Grey 
  6. Black

Maybelline The Falsies Volum' Express Waterproof Mascara Review

Gue baru tau mascara ini dari forum female daily, as everyone mentioned ini salah satu product yang cukup bagus dan wajib untuk dimiliki. Okay, how lucky am I. Minggu lalu gue ke GanCit dan ternyata falsies mascara ini lagi sale di Guardian (buy 1 + idr 1000 and you'll get 1 for free). Actually this was the first mascara I got to try from maybelline. Dan bener-bener penasaran, apakahbenar product ini sebagus yang orang-orang bicarakan?

Maybelline Falsies Mascara

And now gue mau checking point satu per satu tingkat kualitasnya berdasarkan nama productnya!
Falsies? 80%
Volume? about 85%
Express? exactly yes, 100%
Waterproof? YES! and it difficult to wash

Let's take a look at the pictures:

Maybelline Falsies Mascara

The brush space too tight and thick and it's hard to use for my lower lashes and too sticky. I have to apply it really slowly on my lower lashes, or it will end up with a mess.

Maybelline Falsies Mascara

To give more volume and extra long lashes, once they dry, coat your lashes two until four times, while also drying and separating the lashes in between. If you want a very dramatic lashes look, coat them from the top^^

Maybelline Falsies Mascara

Maybelline Falsies Mascara
Left: my eyelashes without any mascaras at all
right: after applied 2 heavy coats, not really sure if its give more volume or not hahaha


  • instant
  • flexible
  • waterproof
  • good packaging
  • holds the curl
  • dry fast
  • affordable price


  • brush space too tight and thick 
  • less volumizing than I imagined before
  • too sticky
  • hard to wash off, I have used facial wash and wet tissue but it's too sticky to clean 

This is a good product with an affordable price but I'm so sorry if I couldn't be much help. So, have you ever tried falsies too? Could you please share your opinion about this product?

Thanks for visiting ^^

beauty blogger indonesia - by ririe prameswari


If you have any question please don't hesitate to ask me on
Jangan ragu untuk bertanya ke :

Maybelline The Falsies Volum' Express Waterproof Mascara Review

Gue baru tau mascara ini dari forum female daily, as everyone mentioned ini salah satu product yang cukup bagus dan wajib untuk dimiliki. Okay, how lucky am I. Minggu lalu gue ke GanCit dan ternyata falsies mascara ini lagi sale di Guardian (buy 1 + idr 1000 and you'll get 1 for free). Actually this was the first mascara I got to try from maybelline. Dan bener-bener penasaran, apakahbenar product ini sebagus yang orang-orang bicarakan?

Maybelline Falsies Mascara

Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick Sandalwood Beige 240 Review

Here's my review for Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick Sandalwood Beige #240. Sebelumnya gue lumayan picky masalah lipstick. Based on my experience, pernah sewaktu-waktu beli lipstick yang harganya lumayan mahal dan merknya bener-bener udah exist banget (jangan sebut merk disini), tapi apa daya malah bikin bibir kering sampe iritasi dan jontor huaaaa :(

Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick Sandalwood Beige 240 Review

Semenjak itu gue cuma cocok pake maybelline, tapi lama-lama bosan juga dong. Akhirnya gue icip-icip revlon. Tips supaya bibir nggak iritasi yaitu sebelum pake lipstick, gue pake vaseline petroleum jelly dulu supaya bibir lembab dan nggak kering kerontang.

Harganya lumayan murah ternyata di banding Maybelline, dan udah hampir sebulan pake ini masih aman sih di bibir. Belum iritasi, cuma terkadang emang terasa kering.

Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick Sandalwood Beige 240 Review

Overall, harganya sesuai dengan kualitasnya. Gue kerja 9 jam per hari, dan selama seharian kerja gue perlu 3 sampai 4 kali poles bibir biar muka tetep keliatan fresh. Suka banget sih dengan warnanya.

Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick Sandalwood Beige 240 Review

Untuk warna #240 ini agak orange ke-coklatan. Tekstureya mate without glitter. Lumayan menutupi bibir gue yang agak hitam. Tapi staying powernya cuma 3-4jam di bibir gue, kalau buat makan mungkin sekejap hilang.

Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick Sandalwood Beige 240 Review

  • Affordable price, not more than idr 35k
  • Good enough for dark lips.
  • Mate without shimmer or glitter.
  • Last for 3 - 4 hours on my lips.
  • Kadang warnanya suka ngumpul di bibir.
  • Poor staying power.
  • Make my lip a lil' bit dry.

Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick Sandalwood Beige 240 Review
(contoh warna lipsticknya setelah gue pake)

"Just have fun. Smile. And keep putting on lipstick"
~ by Diane Keaton