House of Balcony Jogja

Have you ever know or heard about The House of Balcony dining and resto? 

The House of Balcony is not an ordinary dining restaurant. It is more than a dining experience notably in providing an ethereal with an alluring ambience.
Located in Ambarukmo Plaza Mall, one of the largest shopping center in Yogyakarta, The House of Balcony becomes the only restaurant in Yogyakarta which offers a concept of an open view restaurant in the balcony.
Therefore it would give you different experience when you enjoy your favorite dishes.With various kinds of dishes such as Italian food, Western, Asian and Traditional food, like Nasi Goreng Balcony, Rawon and Tengkleng Kambing, we serve all to satisfy your appetite.
Enjoy the strains of music from the platinum ensemble and accoustic every Wednesday and Saturday might make your event more special.
Find a different atmosphere while enjoying your favorite menu with a cozy ambience and the friendliness of their services. The superiority they provide to you is the best choice to dine and hang out in town. source

Ini pertama kalinya gue nyobain House of Balcony, hmm niatnya sih wanna celebrate yang abis wisudaan terus minta traktir hahaha. Sebelum dateng kesana, kita bisa reserve tempat dulu kok. Telpon aja ke 0274 - 4331020, nanti setelah booking mereka bakalan telpon balik untuk konfirmasi. Kalo untuk duduk-duduk di kursi biasanya sih gampang. Tapi untuk dapet di sofa luar itu agak sulit, jadi gue harus booking dulu kemaren dan ga kena biaya booking kok (free).

(Sambil nunggu orderan mending mejeng dulu sama si Endah, adeknya Ervin hihihi)


Kemaren gue order peach tea sama black salmon oil or apa gitu lupa namanya, sedangkan si Ervin order Blueberry cookies smoothies sama arabiata spaghetti. Saran aja sih, disini lebih baik order yang Indonesian food aja deh. Western foodnya cemplang banget rasanya, atau lidah gue yang ndeso? I don't know. Cuma agak disayangkan, harga dan rasa ga sesuai. Mohon ditingkatkan lagi kualitas makanannya :D

(ngabisini sisa stock polaroid)

(gue - Endah - Bangun)

Photo taken by Ririe

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