Sephora Smart Liner Review

So many good reviews about NYX the curve eyeliner and I'm really curious. Until I received a package from my best girl in the world! Woohoooo salah satu isi paketnya ada EYELINER. First of all, I thought she sent me NYX the curve eyeliner, but when I look at it closely ... Ini bukan NYX, ini tuh Sephora! Seriously? It look a like NYX the curve! I've only just know that Sephora has this kind of product! Which brand that made it first? Nyx or Sephora?

Sephora Smart Liner

The price is a bit different, sephora is really cheap with $14 while NYX the curve is $15. Walaupun bedanya only $1, aku tetep pilih Sephora hahaha *dasar cewek*

Sephora Smart Liner
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The cap won't fall off easier and I love it. Also the shape of this product helps me to get a line on my eye easier than ever with a better grip that I can handle it very well. I recommend this to people who's still learning to use an eyeliner, beneran gampang banget dipakenya dan FLAWLESS!

Sephora Smart Liner

The color is incredibly black and matte, which is really COOL! Cuma sayangnya product ini ga waterproof, but sephora never fails to impress me. I also try to make cat eye or winged eyeliner and I can do it easily. See the pics below:

Sephora Smart Liner

I think I never see my eyeliner look this good LOL!

Sephora Smart Liner

Let's check how will it become if I put some water into this eyeliner!

Sephora Smart Liner

Kita guyur air segayung (segayung maaak bahasanya, nenek gayung kali?) hahaha

Sephora Smart Liner

Okay, masih okay ya? Let's rub hardly!

Sephora Smart Liner

Ya lumayan ya hasilnya, katanya sih product ini smudge-proof which will stay on even if we rubbed it. Hmm terbukti ga ya? Lihat sendiri ya hasilnya. Walau pun agak sedikit pudar hahaha.

❤ Cheap! Only $14
❤ Available at all Sephora stores
❤ Smudge proof
❤ Easy to work with

❤ Not available in Indonesia!!!!! Hiks hiks :(

RATING: 5/5 ❤❤❤❤❤

With love,
Ririe Prameswari


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  1. Bentuknya lucuuu. Bikin aplikasi jadi gampang banget ya kayaknya :)
    Great review!

    Bella /

    1. Iya beneran jadi lebih gampang, mau dimodelin kayak apapun eyelinernya tetep rapi hasilnya hihihi

  2. Iya mirip banget sama nyx ya, cuma gue baru tau nih sephora juga punya beginian. hahaha

    1. Iya serupa tapi tak sama ahahaha. Sama banget, aku juga baru tau sephora jg punya eyeliner yg sama dg NYX, bahkan lebih murah >.<

  3. Hi, I have NYX malah. Dan masih pakai. Memang mirip. Dapet review malah dari blogger dari Dubai. Dan selama memakai NYX curve liner nggak ada keluhan sama sekali. Stick on my eyes perfectly tanpa takut luntur sama sekali! Bisa dibaca di sini reviewnya

    Tadinya sempet tertarik sama yang Sephora. Tapi setelah tau darimu ini gampang luntur. Kayaknya tetep akan setia sama NYX deh. Thank you btw ^ ^

    1. Untuk yg oily eyelid sepertinya emang perlu think twice buat purchase. Sippp nanti aku check review kamu. Thanks for stopping by ya dear ^^
