L'Oréal Professionnel Hair Show in Jakarta Fashion Week 2014

How lucky I am! I got two tickets from Indonesian Beauty Blogger to come and see Hair Show by L'Oréal in Jakarta Fashion Week 2014 on Saturday, 19 October 2013. It held in Atrium Senayan City, I don't know and not really sure what should I wear on that day, but I won't hesitate no more to use flowery dress combine with denim as the theme of the night show. And gosh! Flowery are in everywhere hahaha.

I came on time, and the show is about 30 minutes to begin. So, I have a few minutes to take pictures. Don't puke to see me standing in front of "JFW 2014" big banner! So sorry if I'm doing too much, abisnya gimana dong? Ga tahan buat ga foto, sampe-sampe kakiku kesandung kabel dan hampir jatoh HAHAHA.

Yap, begitu masuk ke area undangan udah berjejer mini pouch/cosmetic bag yang berisi testernya L'Oréal Professionel di setiap kursi undangan. Walaupun cuma tester, it's good enough for me and makes me smile. Setidaknya setelah acara selesai ada buah tangan buat di bawa pulang hahaha.

And you know what? Tanggal 19 Oktober 2013 itu bertepatan dengan launchingnya salah satu product unggulannya L'Oréal Professionnel, yaitu SUPER DUST!

(super dust)

Super dust adalah produk dari L'Oréal Professionnel yang membantu menciptakan tatanan rambut kamu menjadi lebih bervolume. Good news is ... this product isn't only for woman, but also for man! 

Oh iya, tau dong kalau sekarang rambut dengan gaya messy look itu lagi in banget. Nah berikut ini ada 3 langkah mudah untuk tampil messy dengan menggunakan SUPER DUST!


Caranya gampang! Yang paling penting kamu harus punya SUPER DUST (whatever.. just a joke). Taburkan L'Oréal Professionnel Super Dust ke rambut kamu. Dari batang hingga ujung rambut. Jangan lupa untuk mengeringkan rambutmu terlebih dahulu ya.

Second, ambil sebagian rambut dengan jari dari berbagai sisi. Sasak rambutmu dengan jari untuk mendapat kesan messy.

Terakhir, bentuk rambut kamu sesuai dengan keinginan kamu ^^.

Haaaah, jadi pengen beli super dust. Kebetulan rambut aku itu curly dan naturally messy look banget, cuma terkadang suka lepek dan kelihatan tipis. Biasa lah perempuan, makin panjang rambut, makin susah ngerawatnya dan makin bertambah tingkat kerontokannya. Mau pake shampoo anti hairfall kayak gimana pun tetep ga ngaruh! So, kita harus pinter akal-akalin tatanan rambut kita aja. Siapa tau kalo pake super dust ini jadi kelihatan lebih bervolume hehehe.

Kolaborasi Hunting Fields dan L'Oréal Professionnel di Runway Hair Parade ini bener-bener bikin mata melongo. Kenapa? Karena di acara itu para model ditata rambutnya secepat kilat. Ada beberapa style rambut yang diperagakan hairstylingnya. 

Foto-foto di bawah aku ambil dari twitter @LorealProID karena aku ga sempet foto. Aku duduk agak jauh dari stage, sehingga agak sulit ya untuk ambil gambar. Yang ada tiap foto, isinya kepala orang semua hehehe. Berikut beberapa style rambut yang mungkin bisa kamu gunakan for your daily routine ^^

1. Ponytails

2. Beachy Waves

3. Crimped Bob

4. Fishtail braids

Ah seru banget! Aku juga bisa loh bikin faux bob hehehe. Nih buktinya:

Nanti bakalan aku kasih simple tutorialnya juga buat faux bob ^^

Hmmmm aku belum lupa loh soal buah tangan hahahaha. Berikut oleh-oleh yang aku dapat dari kolaborasi Hunting Fields dan L'Oréal Professionnel di Runway Hair Parade.

Kayaknya aku bakalan ngereview produk L'Oréal Professionnel satu persatu. Selain mini pouch berisi tester, aku juga dapetin 3 produk L'Oréal Professionnel dalam 1 goodiebag karena berhasil menjawab pertanyaan di L'Oréal Professionnel Hair Lounge. Cuma 15 orang beruntung yang dapet goodie bag dan yeaaaah I'm so lucky <3 p="">

Ada satu product yang akhirnya selalu aku pake beberapa hari ini setelah habis keramas karena wanginya yang tahan lama, dan emang cocok di rambut aku. Coba kita lihat satu bulan ke depan. Kalau oke, bakalan aku review :D

Oh ya, happy weekend by the way ~

L'Oréal Professionnel Hair Show in Jakarta Fashion Week 2014

How lucky I am! I got two tickets from Indonesian Beauty Blogger to come and see Hair Show by L'Oréal in Jakarta Fashion Week 2014 on Saturday, 19 October 2013. It held in Atrium Senayan City, I don't know and not really sure what should I wear on that day, but I won't hesitate no more to use flowery dress combine with denim as the theme of the night show. And gosh! Flowery are in everywhere hahaha.

Relaxing Feet with The Body Shop - Peppermint Reviving Leg Gel

As we know, high heels are "bad" for our feet, but there's no dennying women feel confident when they wear high heels. So do I hahahaha. Have you ever heard about high heel hangover? Foot pain by wearing high heels called by high heels hangover! 

Good news is ... I have tips for that thing, high heel hangover. How to relax your feet after too much walking with high heels? I have an answer for that question. 

Tadaaaa.... Peppermint Reviving Leg Gel will help your feet to relax after foot pain from wearing high heels.

Okay, the background really fit the packaging well. Nevermind! It reviving horse chestnut and refreshing Community Trade peppermint oil soothes and invigorates tired, and heavy  legs. 

Let's check the ingredients of the packaging first ...

After I open the lid, I can smell the strong peppermint. It smells good, I really love it. See, the bottle is full and it's easy to get the gel out. I bought this gel last night using discount coupons from JFW 2014 in Senayan City. Such a mood booster, you know. Every woman loves discount hahaha!

Just squeeze the bottle to get the gel out, then take a little amount on your hand. Spread on your foot! Give a smooth massage from your foot into heel until it absorbed into your skin.

After you applied the gel on your feet, don't forget to stand your feet to the wall about 10-15 minutes. I'm doing this everytime after wearing high heels. Such a refreshing gel! 

Keep this in refrigerator! So, after wearing high heels in a long day, just apply it to your calves to relieve muscle pain ^^

  • Non-sticky
  • Quickly absorbed on skin
  • Easy to get the gel out
  • Smells good
  • Good packaging
  • The bottle is full
  • Affordable price, idr 109k
  • Haven't found it yet
Recommended? Yes or no?
  • YES!!!

So, how about you guys? Have you ever tried this TBS Peppermint gel? Are there any good products beside this?

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Relaxing Feet with The Body Shop - Peppermint Reviving Leg Gel

As we know, high heels are "bad" for our feet, but there's no dennying women feel confident when they wear high heels. So do I hahahaha. Have you ever heard about high heel hangover? Foot pain by wearing high heels called by high heels hangover! 

Good news is ... I have tips for that thing, high heel hangover. How to relax your feet after too much walking with high heels? I have an answer for that question. 

Tadaaaa.... Peppermint Reviving Leg Gel will help your feet to relax after foot pain from wearing high heels.

Etude House Drawing Eyebrow #6 Review

Hi guys, I wanna share my latest eyebrow pencil from Etude House. Fyi, I purchased this new eyebrow pencil since I run out my old tony moly eyebrow a few days ago. And I'm going to try for a new brand : Etude House!

Sebelum dilanjutin sharingnya, gue mau kasih tau dulu nih. Drawing eyebrow Etude ada 6pilihan warna, yaitu:
  1. Black brown
  2. Grey brown
  3. Brown
  4. Dark grey
  5. Grey 
  6. Black

Kebetulan yang baru aja gue beli itu yang nomor 6 Black. Untuk harganya lumayan terjangkau dan bisa refill. I bought this from Tokopedia.

And here's my review!

Untuk brushnya nggak terlalu tajam dan nggak terlalu keras juga. Jadi aman untuk kulit, karena gue pernah pake eyebrow brush yang lumayan kasar dan bikin lecet kulit alisnya.

This triangular shape is perfect to shape and filling your brows. Wahai wanita! Bikin alis aja pake template atau guide macem shinchan? GA JAMAN! Pake pensil alis yang bentuknya segitiga ini bikin kita ga perlu repot lagi ngebentuk alis dan malah bikin kamu keliatan LEBAY! So last year ... 


  1. Gampang banget, tinggal ikutin aja garis alis mata kamu. 
  2. Dimulai dari bagian tengah ke belakang. Ambil garis lurus alis kamu lalu buat agak sedikit naik biar muka terlihat lebih muda hehehe.
  3. Setelah itu use brush buat ngeratain alis dari bagian yg paling dalam ke belakang.
  4. Buat sampai terlihat senatural mungkin!

  • Easy to use.
  • Affordable price. Only idr 38k in Tokopedia.
  • Worth enough to buy.
  • Refillable
  • With brush 
  • No need to sharpen
  • Triangular pencil
  • Waterproof
  • Haven't found it yet!
Recommended? Yes or no?

How about you? Have you ever tried this drawing eyebrow pencil? ^^

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Etude House Drawing Eyebrow #6 Review

Hi guys, I wanna share my latest eyebrow pencil from Etude House. Fyi, I purchased this new eyebrow pencil since I run out my old tony moly eyebrow a few days ago. And I'm going to try for a new brand : Etude House!

Sebelum dilanjutin sharingnya, gue mau kasih tau dulu nih. Drawing eyebrow Etude ada 6pilihan warna, yaitu:
  1. Black brown
  2. Grey brown
  3. Brown
  4. Dark grey
  5. Grey 
  6. Black

Maybelline The Falsies Volum' Express Waterproof Mascara Review

Gue baru tau mascara ini dari forum female daily, as everyone mentioned ini salah satu product yang cukup bagus dan wajib untuk dimiliki. Okay, how lucky am I. Minggu lalu gue ke GanCit dan ternyata falsies mascara ini lagi sale di Guardian (buy 1 + idr 1000 and you'll get 1 for free). Actually this was the first mascara I got to try from maybelline. Dan bener-bener penasaran, apakahbenar product ini sebagus yang orang-orang bicarakan?

Maybelline Falsies Mascara

And now gue mau checking point satu per satu tingkat kualitasnya berdasarkan nama productnya!
Falsies? 80%
Volume? about 85%
Express? exactly yes, 100%
Waterproof? YES! and it difficult to wash

Let's take a look at the pictures:

Maybelline Falsies Mascara

The brush space too tight and thick and it's hard to use for my lower lashes and too sticky. I have to apply it really slowly on my lower lashes, or it will end up with a mess.

Maybelline Falsies Mascara

To give more volume and extra long lashes, once they dry, coat your lashes two until four times, while also drying and separating the lashes in between. If you want a very dramatic lashes look, coat them from the top^^

Maybelline Falsies Mascara

Maybelline Falsies Mascara
Left: my eyelashes without any mascaras at all
right: after applied 2 heavy coats, not really sure if its give more volume or not hahaha


  • instant
  • flexible
  • waterproof
  • good packaging
  • holds the curl
  • dry fast
  • affordable price


  • brush space too tight and thick 
  • less volumizing than I imagined before
  • too sticky
  • hard to wash off, I have used facial wash and wet tissue but it's too sticky to clean 

This is a good product with an affordable price but I'm so sorry if I couldn't be much help. So, have you ever tried falsies too? Could you please share your opinion about this product?

Thanks for visiting ^^

beauty blogger indonesia - sweetlikeapeach.com by ririe prameswari


If you have any question please don't hesitate to ask me on http://ask.fm/Ririeprams
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Maybelline The Falsies Volum' Express Waterproof Mascara Review

Gue baru tau mascara ini dari forum female daily, as everyone mentioned ini salah satu product yang cukup bagus dan wajib untuk dimiliki. Okay, how lucky am I. Minggu lalu gue ke GanCit dan ternyata falsies mascara ini lagi sale di Guardian (buy 1 + idr 1000 and you'll get 1 for free). Actually this was the first mascara I got to try from maybelline. Dan bener-bener penasaran, apakahbenar product ini sebagus yang orang-orang bicarakan?

Maybelline Falsies Mascara