Review: Skin Food Chlorella Nose Clear Patch

I bought this from Skin Food at Central Park. I was really curious how it works and oh yaaa it smells really nice. I thought maybe they added fragrance? LOL.

The pack is in green color, yeah since chlorella is originally green color.

 okay, blackheads and whiteheads on my nose not really seen. But it's pretty annoying!

How to Use
1. Cleanse your face and wet your nose area.
2. Keep youur nose area from getting wet.
3. Slap the patch onto your nose (be careful not to wet the patch. So, dried your hands frist before applying the patch.
4. Wait fro 10-15 mins.

(be patient .. )

It works, although they were still some blackheads left but it came off nice and clean. And it could be easily pulled out. I've been using patch before, and it hard to pulled out.  It sore my nose and there was acne after that! So it was really hard to find nose patch which can easily pulled out.

(after using skin foo chlorella patch)

I got addicted to nose patch since I recommend my boyfriend  to use tony moly nose patch. His nose which is full of black&white heads, was really clean after using Tony Moly patch. And I wanna go back to Tony Moly Nose Patch, because it fitted my nose just right.

Review: Skin Food Chlorella Nose Clear Patch

I bought this from Skin Food at Central Park. I was really curious how it works and oh yaaa it smells really nice. I thought maybe they added fragrance? LOL.

POP BAR Jakarta

Yeay, akhirnya kesampean icip pop bar. Fyi, pop bar store is at Central Park LG Floor. Bener-bener di tikungan dan strategis, close enough to bonchon (haaa lapeeer!). Back to topic, pop bar ini adalah popsicle ice cream. Dimana popsicle itu disajikan bersama gagang kayunya hehe. 

Are you craving for this? Haaa pengen lagi. Pop Bar ini juga menyediakan berbagai pilihan menu. Mulai dari popGelato, popSorbeto, YogurtPop, Liquids dan myPop. 

Konon katanya popGelato, popSorbeto, YogurtPop benar-benar menggunakan 100% bahan alami, asli buah-buahan. So it's a healthy way to keep you energized and on the go! 

Kalau Liquids itu sendiri merupakan menu minumannya. Sedangkan yang paling seru itu myPop. Why? Because you can create your own personal popbar work of art. Langsung aja pilih popping,  berikut poppingnya :

After that you can choose a signature dip. Ada white, dark and milk chocolate. Then you can take a deep breath, then a BIG bite. Enjoy one bite at a time please!

Orderan gue kemarin itu avocado popGelato dengan dark chocolate dan chocolate sprinkle (kanan), sedangkan temen gue order pistachio pop Gelato dengan popping pistachio dan dark chocolate (kiri). Dua-duanya enak, dan nagih. Untungnya sih storenya ini walaupun kecil tapi ada tempat duduknya. Males banget kan kemana-mana megangin ice cream?Belum kalau netes. Gue saranin sih better abisin sekalian di tempat hehe.

(Aya, enjoy banget ya?)

(total harga + pajaknya, harga ga bisa bohong)

POP BAR Jakarta

Yeay, akhirnya kesampean icip pop bar. Fyi, pop bar store is at Central Park LG Floor. Bener-bener di tikungan dan strategis, close enough to bonchon (haaa lapeeer!). Back to topic, pop bar ini adalah popsicle ice cream. Dimana popsicle itu disajikan bersama gagang kayunya hehe. 

Are you craving for this? Haaa pengen lagi. Pop Bar ini juga menyediakan berbagai pilihan menu. Mulai dari popGelato, popSorbeto, YogurtPop, Liquids dan myPop. 

Ennichisai 2013


Festival seni kebudayaan dan kuliner Jepang Little Tokyo Ennichisai tahun 2013 ini digelar di kawasan melawai. Tepat di seberang Blok M Plaza dan satu wilayah dengan Blok M Square. Festival tahunan ini hanya berlangsung 2 hari yaitu 25 dan 26 Mei 2013. Festival ini menyajikan berbagai makanan dan pakaian khas asal negeri Sakura.

Basically, gue bukan pecinta jejepangan. Gue ke acara ini cuma nemenin temen gue yang notabene pengen foto-foto dan menggoda gue dengen menyebut satu kata "MAKAN!". Fine, gue langsung tertarik hahahaha. Dan bener aja, dimana-mana banyak makanan. Cuma teramat sangat padat, bikin ga mood makan.

(gue ga tau ini apa cuma sangat menggiurkan)

(liat tuh mukanya, udah ga sabar pengen makan orang. Eh salah, makan kakigori hahaha)

Kakigori, es serut khas Jepang. Yah ga beda jauh dengan es es pada umumnya, yang bikin enak ya sirupnya hahaha. Tapi jadi pengen lagi.

(mbak mbak, rambutnya kayak gulali minta di mamam hahaha)

(satria baja hitam ini kasian ya, panas-panas malah sauna) 

Capek keliling setengah harian lebih, muka sampe kucel cuma gara-gara nyari apple caramel yang ternyata adanya di dekat pintu masuk zzzz. Setelah itu HUJAAAAN dan sepatu gue jebol. What a day haaaaaa

Ennichisai 2013


Festival seni kebudayaan dan kuliner Jepang Little Tokyo Ennichisai tahun 2013 ini digelar di kawasan melawai. Tepat di seberang Blok M Plaza dan satu wilayah dengan Blok M Square. Festival tahunan ini hanya berlangsung 2 hari yaitu 25 dan 26 Mei 2013. Festival ini menyajikan berbagai makanan dan pakaian khas asal negeri Sakura.

Basically, gue bukan pecinta jejepangan. Gue ke acara ini cuma nemenin temen gue yang notabene pengen foto-foto dan menggoda gue dengen menyebut satu kata "MAKAN!". Fine, gue langsung tertarik hahahaha. Dan bener aja, dimana-mana banyak makanan. Cuma teramat sangat padat, bikin ga mood makan.

50 Things You Can Do With Vaseline

You know what? I've been addicted to vaseline! And I just knew there are many uses of it after I read some articles. And here are 50 uses of Vaseline Petroleum Jelly.

Here are the top 5 uses:
1. Put a coat on your eyelashes before you go to bed. Lots of people swear by this – and say it will make your lashes grow longer and thicker over time.

2. Put a coat of vaseline on your feet at night, cover them with socks and wake up to softer feet – every day!

3. Put vaseline on your elbows every day – they will stay soft!

4. Put Vaseline on your cuticles several times a day for softer and better looking cuticles every day.

5. Put Vaseline on chapped lips

and then ...

6. Use Vaseline as lip gloss

7. Mix a little Vaseline with a little Kool-Aid powder and make a colored and flavored lip gloss!

8. Melt Vaseline and one chocolate chip in the microwave, mix and let resolidify for chocolate lip gloss!

9. Maintains perfume scent longer when applied at perfume points before spritzing the perfume.

10. Can be used as a moisturizer for acne sufferers (it is a misconception that it clogs pores)

11. Moisturizes severe dry skin

12. Use Vaseline on your knees to prevent that dry, ashy look

13. Mix with sea salts to make a scrub!

14. Applying Vaseline on your teeth prevents lips from sticking to teeth for celebrities and contestants in beauty pageants who smile a lot

15. Applied on teeth before applying lipstick prevents lipstick from sticking on them

16. Massage, baby!

17. Warmed up can be used as a night cream

18. Makeup remover

19. Protects skin exposed to adverse weather

20. Applied under eye shadow it can create a shiny effect

21. Applied on cheeks for a dewy look

22. Can be used to smooth and soothe skin after shaving

23. Used in manicures under cuticles

24. Gets rid of dry skin lines which can arise from washing

25. Lubricates ear lobes and helps to make earring insertion easy and painless

26. Keeps fingernails pliable and resilient

27. Use with your lipstick to create a cream blusher for your cheeks

28. Helps to ease off stuck on rings

29. Tames unruly eyebrows

30. Defines eyelashes and leaves them with a glossy and waterproof look

31. Conditions scalp pre-shampooing

32. Can help prevent chaffing

33. Aids with healing after cosmetic surgery procedures

34. Reduces scaling and itching associated with dandruff

35. Theraputic when applied to lesions caused by poison ivy

36. Can help improve condition of those with atopic eczema

37. Helps heal and protect new tattoos

38. Can protect against harmful hair dyeing, perming and straightening chemicals when used as a mask around the hairline

39. Use a tiny dab to put a quick shine on your shoes and bags

40. Smear a tiny bit on your hands and scrunch through your hair for a choppy look

41. Use just a touch on the ends of your hair to hide dry and split ends

42. Remove makeup stains from clothing

43. Rub Vaseline on the neck of your nail polish bottles and they won’t get stuck to the caps

44. Make your week old nail polish look new again – rub a small dab over the polish.

45. Use a touch of Vaseline mixed with powder eyeshadow pigment to make new colors, or a more solid eyeshadow that won’t get all over your face when you put it on.

46. Stretch your favorite lotion by mixing it with Vaseline.

47. Put Vaseline on your lips, leave it a few minutes, then scrub your lips with a toothbrush to exfoliate and leave them SO smooth

48. Remove false eyelash glue from your lash line

49. Apply a small amount on dry spots on your body before fake tanning lotions are applied, and prevent uneven tanning!

50. Generously apply Vaseline all over before taking flights to combat associated dryness

See? Vaseline is a part of beauty ^^

50 Things You Can Do With Vaseline

You know what? I've been addicted to vaseline! And I just knew there are many uses of it after I read some articles. And here are 50 uses of Vaseline Petroleum Jelly.

Here are the top 5 uses:
1. Put a coat on your eyelashes before you go to bed. Lots of people swear by this – and say it will make your lashes grow longer and thicker over time.

2. Put a coat of vaseline on your feet at night, cover them with socks and wake up to softer feet – every day!

3. Put vaseline on your elbows every day – they will stay soft!

4. Put Vaseline on your cuticles several times a day for softer and better looking cuticles every day.

5. Put Vaseline on chapped lips